Alliance Bible Church - Mequon, Wisconsin
Captivating generations with the satisfying gospel of Jesus Christ.
Alliance Bible Church - Mequon, Wisconsin
Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
Rev. Brian Dainsberg
If your 10 year-old son, grandson, nephew, or boy in your Sunday School class came up to you and asked, "What does it mean to be a man," how would you respond? If your 10 year-old daughter, granddaughter, niece, or girl in your Sunday School class came up to you and asked, "What does it mean to be a woman," how would you respond? In a world of gender confusion, these are important questions.
- Human beings are made in the image and likeness of God.
- Male and female are identity markers.
- Men and women are called to contribute to the creation mandates.
- Men and women must attach dignity to the right things.
- Men and women have distinct roles.
- Be aware of the temptation to sex role reversals.
- Guard against the battle of the sexes.
- Men must obediently embrace their God-ordained role of leading for God.
- Women must obediently embrace their God-ordained role of helping for God.
- Men and women must keep in mind their primary life purpose.
Text: Genesis 1-3