Alliance Bible Church - Mequon, Wisconsin
Captivating generations with the satisfying gospel of Jesus Christ.
445 episodes
Meet Jesus: Faith that Saves
Quite a few people think that when they die and meet God face to face, they'll be able to outline how their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds and that will be sufficient for God to say to them, "Come on in!" This is one of the biggest lies ou...
Meet Jesus: Authentic Christianity
Nobody wants to die of a disease they didn't know they had. When it comes to our salvation, Jesus doesn't want anyone unsure of their condition. Jesus will help us examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.1) The nature of an auth...
Meet Jesus: The Kind of Church Jesus Wants
Jesus didn't come to earth to affirm everything about us. He came to live the perfect life we could never live and in doing so, to model for us the kind of life those who follow him are called to live. Join us as we think about the kind of chur...
That You May Know - Part 6
The world has a certain pull on our hearts. We crave attention, status, and popularity. However, we find that these are temporary and don't bring true satisfaction. So where is true satisfaction found? Join us as we explore what lasts forever.<...
When Jesus Knocks at Your Door
If Jesus was to knock on your front door this Christmas, how would you react? Shock? Excitement? Irritation? The familiar characters of the Christmas story are representative of modern responses to Jesus' knock at the door. They invite us to id...
Christmas: The Gift of a Savior
Unfortunately, the story of Christmas can become stale and dull in our hearts. We often forget about the importance and the purpose of the birth of Jesus. Join us as we see how truly life-changing this is!1) Jesus is the true Messiah
Christmas: The Gift of a Genealogy
Genealogies can't be interesting, can they? They're just a list of names no one can spell or pronounce. Why bother with them? Join us and you'll discover why Jesus' genealogy could be the best gift you get this Christmas.The genealogy o...
Two Truths and a Lie: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
World War 2... 9/11... Indonesian Tsunami... Hamas' attack on Israel... There's no shortage of bad things that happen in our world. Why do they happen? What purpose do they serve - if any? Suffering, adversity, and hardship are a part of life, ...
Two Truths and a Lie: Is Parenting Supposed to Be This Hard?
Parenting is overwhelming. How does one raise another human being to be well-adjusted, self-sufficient, and charitable? On top of that, how does a parent raise kids who love and follow Jesus? There are no easy answers, but we'll mine the Bible ...
Two Truths and a Lie: Is Marriage Happily Ever After?
Surveys indicate couples get married primarily for happiness. Is that what marriage is about? Since God instituted marriage, let's ask him what purposes he had in mind when he created marriage. It might change the way you view your own marriage...
Two Truths and a Lie: Am I Supposed to Enjoy Life?
We're supposed to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. But the world is filled with wonderful things like sunsets, oceans, strawberries, and bacon! Are we wrong to enjoy the things of earth? How can we enjoy life while st...
Two Truths and a Lie: Does God Care What I Do With My Money?
Money is a substantial part of life. You need it for food, shelter, clothing, education, rest and relaxation... and pretty much everything else. It's not surprising the Bible has a lot to say about it. God earnestly desires to cure us of money ...
Two Truths and a Lie: What is a Friend?
We need friendship... more than many of us realize. But our approach to this is often browsing the field of potential friends in order to find the "right one" for us. Maybe that's backwards. The better way is: "How can I be the kind of friend I...
Two Truths and a Lie: Why Work?
Retirement is often viewed as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Why? Because work can be downright frustrating. But God designed us to work. He instituted work. Grasping his vision for work is important to finding meaning in your work....
Two Truths and a Lie: Is Church Necessary?
The Church is a unique entity unlike any other. It is through the church that God’s wisdom is displayed to the heavenly beings. But what does this mean for the believer? Should he or she orient their life around it? Join us as we seek the Scrip...
Two Truths and a Lie: Why Should I Grow Spiritually?
Is there more to being a Christian than “praying a prayer” to “get in?” Is there a personal benefit to spiritual growth? What does God want for me once I become a Christian? These are important questions that impact the emptiness or fulfillment...
Two Truths and a Lie: What is a Christian?
Ask a random person on the street what the definition of “Christian” is, and you'll likely get numerous answers. The necessity of getting the answer right is clear: some people think they're Christians, but in reality aren't.Three theme...
That You May Know - Part 5
What makes it so hard to love our brothers and sisters in Christ? What is actually going on at the heart level when it comes to despising or hating someone in the church? Is it possible to be free from the bitterness and anger attached to it? W...
The Book About Everything - Part 28
We've made it. We complete "The Book About Everything." From fan clubs to excommunication; from lawsuits to sexual immorality; from head coverings to spiritual gifts, there isn't much we haven't explored. We finish with... drum roll please... P...
The Book About Everything - Part 27
Fun fact: 42% of Jesus' stories were about money, stewardship, and giving. Why so much? How we handle money is critical to our discipleship and it also poses great challenges to our discipleship. Paul picks up the mantle to provide us with the ...
The Book About Everything - Part 26
The afterlife: will there be one? If so, what will it be like? The Christian teaching on this topic is beyond our wildest dreams. But sadly, so many people misunderstand what eternal life will be like. Bottom line: it's going to be amazing!...
That You May Know - Part 4
What is it that actually occurred on the cross? What did it accomplish? And is there any connection with this and Jesus' commandments? We will see the distinction and importance between God's gospel and his law!1) Jesus is our advocate<...
The Book About Everything - Part 25
The mortality rate among human beings is 100%. Nobody gets out of life alive. So what happens after that? There is a way to face your death with hope and confidence, but it requires getting serious about Jesus. Join us as we come face to face w...